Working with Arrays in Go



Arrays are a fixed list of variables all with the same size. For example, we can have an array of 3 integers, or 4 strings, but we cannot mix them. Because arrays are fixed, their size cannot change, they are not often used directly. Instead, developers will use slices. But, arrays are a good introduction to slices. In this article, we will learn how to use Arrays in Go.

Creating Arrays in Go

We can created arrays using the following.

var list [3]int

This will create a list of 3 integers. We did not initialize the values, so all values will default to 0.

To initialize the values, we can do the following.

var list [3]int = {1, 2, 3}

We can also let go infer the size from the declared value using the ... operator. Here is an example.

var list [...] = {1, 2, 3}

Go will automatically determine the size of 3.

Accessing Items in an Array

To access an item in an array, we can use indexing notation. Here are some examples.


We can also loop through arrays using the for...range notation.

for i, v := range a {
	fmt.Printf("%d %d \n", i, v)