How to Append a Rows and Columns to a Data Frame in R



Let's say we have additionaly information for a Data Frame, such as a new observation (row). We would like to add this to our existing data frame. In this article, we will learn how to append rows and columns to data frames in R.

Adding rows

To add a row to a data frame, we can use the rbind method. The first argument will be our existing data frame and the second is the new row.

ad.names = c("Google", "Facebook", "Twitter")
clicks = c(2000, 4000, 3000)

df = data.frame(name=ad.names, clicks)

row1 = data.frame(name="Instagram", clicks="2000")

new.df = rbind(df, row1)


#      name clicks
# 1    Google   2000
# 2  Facebook   4000
# 3   Twitter   3000
# 4 Instagram   2000

Adding Columns

Now, let's say we have a new column of data. Maybe we have a vector of the impression count for each of our adds. We can add these to our data frame using the $ property accessor and assining a new name.

impressions = c(10000, 20000, 30000, 20000)
new.df$impressions = impressions

#     name    clicks impressions
# 1    Google   2000       10000
# 2  Facebook   4000       20000
# 3   Twitter   3000       30000
# 4 Instagram   2000       20000